Download NDI Port Devices Driver

Only use this release with OBS Studio v25 (v24 on macOS) or above!

Having an issue with your display, audio, or touchpad? Whether you're working on an Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, or other Dell product, driver updates keep your device running at top performance. Step 1: Identify your product above. Step 2: Run the detect drivers scan to see available updates. Step 3: Choose which driver updates to install. The only problem with it, is that, it reload the latest driver when you plug the device on a never used USB port. So, if you change place of connection, you should manually set the driver to 3.3, but you have to do that only the first time you used this port. Next time, the driver remain to 3.3 and never upgrade to 3.6. DriverPack is a comprehensive application designed to simplify the driver installation and updating process to a couple of clicks. All the drivers your system needs in order to work properly are detected automatically and deployed faster than a manual operation.

Download ndi port devices drivers

Download Ndi Port Devices Drivers

Changes since 4.7.1
Features & Improvements
  • NDI 4.5 support (#416)
    • On macOS, you need to install the NDI 4.5 runtime manually! (runtime download links are provided on the Download page linked below)
  • Spanish localization (thanks @COOLIGUAY in #357)

Download Ndi Port Devices Driver Windows 10

DownloadBug fixes

Download NDI Port Devices Driver

  • Bugfix: The NDI Output Settings dialog wasn't always showing text input fields for the Program & Preview output names (#373)
  • Bugfix: NDI runtime download issues on Windows. The obs-ndi installer now downloads the runtime from a mirror I manage to prevent download errors that cause failed installs (#140)
  • A myriad of macOS bugfixes:
    • The plugin wasn't loading because of a problem with how macOS looks for plugin dependencies (#409)
    • With NDI 4.5 installed on the system, obs-ndi 4.7.1 would crash. This is now fixed with the addition of NDI 4.5 support.
    • The obs-ndi installer could fail to download the NDI runtime because of download server issues, or could fail to install it because it is not digitally signed. This step has been removed. macOS users now have to download & install the NDI 4.5 runtime separately (links provided on the Download page).
    • In addition to being digitally signed, the obs-ndi installer is now also notarized by Apple. This should eliminate 'malicious software' errors on Catalina.

Download Ndi Port Devices Driver Update

Windows, Linux and macOS Install instructions: see the release page on GitHub.