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Click a thumbnail to view larger image: Well, what if you were able to see a piece of equipment before you purchased it? Sign up using Facebook. We’ll send you an email letting you know exactly when your piece of equipment will be available for viewing Name: The combination of the debugger and the PowerProbe logic analyzer enables real-time measurements.

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Well, what if you were able to see a piece of equipment before you purchased it? Home Careers Newsroom Enquiry.

The Cadence customer support team is ready to help. For more information on Tensilica’s patented approach to the creation of application-specific building blocks for SOC design, visit www. The PowerView software supports multicore debugging.

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Valid Email Required Item to Inspect: The TRACE32 is a modular development system which can be easily adapted to different microprocessors and customer needs. It’s like having the store come to you! llauterbach

We appreciate your interest in using our InstraView website! So in general you shouldn’t see the dialog box and something went wrong, when it happened.

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Getting Started Guide for Lauterbach

Sensory and Tensilica provide the lowest power voice activation solutionwith power ranging from below an average of 25 microWatts in basic detection mode. Manuals, Datasheets, Drivers, Links.

One of our friendly Customer Service representatives will be contacting you shortly with information on when the equipment you requested will be available for viewing. And here is how to avoid the dialog box: To ensure transparent support for all types of emulation probes, the system was developed using a ‘top-down’ approach with the high speed, 32 bit emulation modules being developed first, followed by 16 bit and then 8 bit.

To ensure transparent support for all types of emulation probes, the system was developed using a ‘top-down’ approach with the high speed, 32 bit emulation modules being developed first, followed by 16 bit and then 8 bit.

As a result, the same base system can, for example, support an or a PowerPC. Holger 1, 1 5 Please contact us to complete your request.

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We’ll send you an email letting you know exactly when your piece of equipment will be available for viewing Name: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Tensilica offers the broadest line of controller, CPU and specialty DSP processors on the market today, in both an off-the-shelf format via the Diamond Standard Series cores and with full designer configurability with the Xtensa processor family. Lauterbach’s belief in lautervach systems’ is self evident, with support for over microprocessors, 60 different compilers, 6 programming languages, 15 host operating systems and 10 multitasking RTOS kernels. Email Required, but never shown.

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Please contact one of our Customer Support Specialists if you have any questions about what is included with this equipment or if you require any additional information. Support The Cadence laiterbach support team is ready to help.

Sign up using Email and Password. Buying used equipment doesn’t always have to be a shot in the dark. Stock Quick Quote. Click a thumbnail to view larger image: The hardware for the debugger is universal and allows interfacing different target processors by simply changing the debug cable and the software.

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The TRACE32 system concept is long term, in line with Lauterbach’s long term commitment to continue to provide its customers with the most advanced tools available. Mercury Drive Champaign, IL Product Engineering Workshops and Trainings.

All logos and trademarks are properties of their respective companies.

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