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  1. Diagnostic Audiometer Market Is Booming Worldwide (2020-2027) By Top Leading Players – Beijing Beier, William Demant, Otometrics, Inventis, Hill-Rom, RION, Micro-DSP Post author By Lewis F Post date 15th September 2020.
  2. Whether you are hooked on iPads or just looking for a superbly portable solution, you can download the Inventis Maestro app from Apple®’s App Store®. The Aero option lets you control Piccolo directly from your iPad® over a Bluetooth connection (iPad® 3 or newer required).
Global Pocket Otoscope Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and Recovery

Based on the Pocket Otoscope market development status, competitive landscape and development model in different regions of the world, this report is dedicated to providing niche markets, potential risks and comprehensive competitive strategy analysi...

Global Otoscope Market Analysis 2020 with Top Companies, Production, Consumption,Price and Growth Rate

XYZ-research offers a comprehensive analysis of key market trends in the global Otoscope market. It also includes discussion on historical trends, current market status, competitive landscape, growth opportunities and challenges which are backed by f...

Global Otoscope Market Growth 2020-2025

According to this study, over the next five years the Otoscope market will register a xx%% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach $ xx million by 2025, from $ xx million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global mar...

Global POCKET OTOSCOPE Market Analysis 2020 with Top Companies, Production, Consumption,Price and Growth Rate

In this report,XYZ-research offers a comprehensive analysis of key market trends in the global POCKET OTOSCOPE market. It also includes discussion on historical trends, current market status, competitive landscape, growth opportunities and challenges...

Global Video Otoscope Market Growth 2020-2025

COVID-19, the disease it causes, surfaced in late 2019, and now had become a full-blown crisis worldwide. Over fifty key countries had declared a national emergency to combat coronavirus. With cases spreading, and the epicentre of the outbreak shifti...

Global Veterinary Otoscope Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and Recovery

Based on the Veterinary Otoscope market development status, competitive landscape and development model in different regions of the world, this report is dedicated to providing niche markets, potential risks and comprehensive competitive stra...

Global Otoscope Market Growth 2019-2024

According to this study, over the next five years the Otoscope market will register a xx% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach US$ xx million by 2024, from US$ xx million in 2019. In particular, this report presents the global ...

Otoscope Market by Application (Hospital & Clinic, Homecare, Educational) and by Region, Trend, Forecast, Competitive Analysis, and Growth Opportunity 2019-2024

The analysts forecast the global otoscope market to exhibit a CAGR of 4.2% during the period 2019-2024. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global otoscope for 2019-2024. To calculate the market size, the report con...

Maestro is the software solution developed by Inventis, which allows you to easily manage the patient data and fully interact with your audiology equipment, bringing your daily practice to a new level of technology.

To view available parts and accessories, click the Parts & Accessories tab. Product Status: Service Only. To view support options, parts and accessories, click through to the product page.


Thanks to the integrated modules, Maestro gives you the chance to control all the Inventis Audiology Equipment, switching easily from Audiometry, to Tympanometry, HIT, REM and Video-Otoscopy.


Thanks to Hy-Tech, the Inventis hybrid technology, you can fully control you audiometer Bell, Harp or Piano through the computer using Maestro.


All the Inventis audiological devices feature Live View: through Maestro you can see the exam while in progress on the display of your computer.

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Maestro allows the user to choose the configuration of his database. It can be installed with proprietary database, with a Noah database (as a Noah module) or without database.


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Maestro with a proprietary database can work on a single computer, or it can be installed in a network environment. In this way, the medical records and exam results can be easily consulted from any other computer on the local network.